Bluntville Triple Wrapped Piff
The cigars in the Bluntville Triple Wrapped Piff line are manufactured in Nicaragua using a machine. These light-to-medium cigars have three leaf wrappers that may be removed or left on to adjust the smoking experience. Cigars made from natural tobacco are packaged in foil so they stay fresh longer. Each box of contains 25 cigars.
The Bluntville Triple Wrapped cigars are a natural Nicaraguan tobacco-filled cigarillo that is expertly designed and created by a high-quality machine in the United States. As a result of the triple leaf wrapper, you have the option of removing the outer layer so that you can smoke it more quickly, or you can choose to leave it as is so that you can enjoy a more leisurely and relaxing smoke. The EverFresh foil packaging ensures that these light-to-medium body cigarettes are kept in their peak freshness. Each box contains 25 separate sticks.
5 x 30 | 25 Singles | Natural | Nicaragua |
Tobacco items cannot be purchased by minors at Cigarettes are not available on Backwoods Corner. Underage people are not allowed to buy cigars. Visitors under the age of 21 are not permitted on this site.
If you’re buying cigars here on the website, you must be at least 21 years old. Anyone found attempting to purchase these items while under the age of 21 will have their payment rescinded and face full legal consequences. Cigar stores in California charge a total of 8.75% sales tax on cigars and tobacco goods to all Canada residents, plus an extra excise tax of 65.08%.
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