buy Arturo Fuente cigars Australia
You can also buy Arturo Fuente cigars Australia. The Arturo Fuente’s Curly Head cigar is a cheap alternative to the more expensive Cuban sandwich cigars. You can get the famed rich and nutty flavor of this brand in these Lonsdale’s, but at a fraction of the price. Boxed with forty cigars.Therefore, you can also get Arturo Fuente cigar for sale from our store. Arturo Fuente cigars near me
Arturo Fuente cigar for sale
In the New World cigar industry, Arturo Fuente’s name is second only to that of Zino Davidoff in terms of prestige. This family-run company has been making and shipping premium cigars around the world for over a century. And their name is respected everywhere. Arturo’s great-granddaughter, Liana Fuente, and grandson, Carlos “Carlito” Fuente Jr., run the business now. The Arturo Fuente’s status as one of the world’s best cigar brands can in large part be attributed to the shared enthusiasm the two men have for tobacco and the art of crafting superb cigars.
Arturo Fuente cigars near me
Also, Arturo Fuente Cigar, in its current form, may export more than 30 million cigar annually, yet the company’s origins are modest and deeply rooted in Cuba. Near Havana, Arturo Fuente was born in 1887. It wasn’t until he met and married Doa Hilda Fuente that he was able to call Tampa, Florida home. That was in 1910.
In 1912, he launched the brand that bears his name by hand-rolling cigars with tobacco from his home Cuba in a factory in Tampa. After only 2 years, calamity struck when a fire completely destroyed the plant. Arturo persisted in following his passion, and he continued to roll cigars in his kitchen and sell them around the neighborhood.
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